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Empire is a tale of heroes and tyrants, assassins and spies that unfolds against a backdrop of civil unrest and political intrigue. It follows one woman's quest to unearth her true heritage, unlikely alliances and a chain of events that will change the fate of the greatest empire the world has ever seen.
"Empire is fantasy written on a massive scale. Whole countries and empires clash- but the author’s world-building is sure footed and threaded deftly through the narrative...."
Review of Empire by Laura Bambray
Online Book Club
The Irish Wildlife Collection
The Irish Wildlife Collection is a series of books presenting a selection of wildlife and nature writing as featured in publications like BBC Wildlife Magazine, The Irish Independent, The Countryman, Ireland's Own and Ireland's Wildlife. Volume's One and Two of "The Irish Wildlife Collection" are available now with Volume Three on the way.
If you'd like to get in touch about my writing this form is the most convenient way to do that. Mail sent through the site will always reach my inbox. Contacting me through other channels might mean I miss your message.
You can also try emailing me directly on calvin{at}calvinjones{dot}info if you prefer.
While I'm always happy to hear from readers, and read all your messages, I don't always have time to respond to everyone, so apologies ahead of time if you don't hear back from me.
All the best,
I write fiction, non-fiction, freelance articles, online content, commercial copy and work with clients to improve communication across all media.
You'll find my books featured on my Amazon author page.